March 2nd 2008

All About the Bluesteel Gift of Long Years

BluesteelGift Those of you who were around for the Christmas gift-giving extravaganza in December will recognize that Telamon has a predilection for giving out cryptic prizes, then cackling madly as people try to figure them out. But this time, I’m going to explain exactly what is going on.

Everyone who logged into ROLBOX on February 29th was awarded the Bluesteel Gift of Long Years (if you missed it, you can grab one now for 95 R$). There were two hints about this. Firstly, leap years, of which 2008 is one, are longer than normal by one day - thus the “gift of long years”. Secondly, the phrase “Julius got it wrong” in the description of the gift is a reference to Julius Caesar, who is responsible for the creation of the Julian Calendar. This calendar called for one leap year every four years and was based off the belief that the Earth orbits the sun in 365.25 days. It’s actually 365.24 days. As a result, the Julian Calendar is broken - becoming increasingly inaccurate at a rate of 14.4 minutes per year. I’m sure everyone wanted to know that.

Here’s what you do want to know:

  1. The Bluesteel Gift will open sometime in the next couple of days.
  2. At that time it will no longer be for sale.
  3. You can get a sneak-peak at what is inside by completing this puzzle!

- Telamon

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February 28th 2008

Plastic Men and Iron Swords

A wiser man would have walked away… In this video I go head to head with two of the best swordsmen in Robloxia: Jacobxxduel and FFJosh. (Sometimes the moderators revolt and it’s my job to keep them in line!)

- Telamon

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February 24th 2008

We Accept PayPal

Builder's Club It is now possible to join Builder’s Club by using PayPal!

One Month, Six Month and One Year memberships are possible with this payment type. Please check out the Join Builder’s Club page to get started or Builder’s Club Guide for Parents for more information.


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February 23rd 2008

ROBLOX is Fun and Educational

SuperMariofan64Matt and I were randomly wandering around on YouTube today and found this awesome video by SuperMariofan64. Apparently he created it as part of a class project.

As game developers, we find it very exciting to see people using ROBLOX to create things that we would never of imagined. It’s definitely one of the best parts about working at ROBLOX.

If anyone else has used ROBLOX in a school project, we’d love to hear about it.

- Telamon

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February 23rd 2008

Builderman’s Places Sneak Peeks!

The teams of builders are working hard to complete the winning places by Sunday. I think not all of them will be quite ready but the ones that are done will be put up on Builderman’s place as they are finished.

I snuck into some of the places while the builders weren’t looking and snapped some pics. All the places are coming along great! Remember that these are not finished places we are looking at. Some things may change! In a few of the pics I made it hard to see the whole thing on purpose. You will just have to be surprised.koopa

Koopa’s HQ

twila27Twila27’s Pagoda Battlestickmasterluke

Stickmasterluke’s Tree Dwellings rocks25

Rocks25’s Floating Islands







joshjosh117Joshjosh117’s King of the Hill flamer6777

Flamer6777’s Mars Base

ganswishGanswish’s Castle

briguy9876Briguy9876’s Falling Base Battle

Not shown because they’re WAY TOO SECRET - SaladDog’s Castle Warfare and Weaselman50’s Builderman Suite Hotel. I am not revealing who the builder teams are until the places are finished!

Q: Will the places be copylocked on Builderman’s account?

A: Yes. They will be locked for at least a while. Anyone publishing one of these places will be in trouble. The builders who worked on them are free to publish similar models, weapons or places and make the scripts available. At some point these places may become open.


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February 20th 2008

It’s All in the Wiki


The ROBLOX Wiki is a treasure trove of information. The wiki is the most complete documentation that exists for all things ROBLOX.

I’ve rifled through Builderman’s inbox and determined that roughly 80% of the questions that people ask Builderman are already very well answered in the wiki.

Here are answers to five of the questions Builderman is most frequently asked:

“Help! I can’t enter places”

“How do I script?” “Can you teach me how to script?”

“How do I make an admin door?”

“How do I remove weapons from my place?”

“Teach me how to build cool stuff?”

So if someone asks you for help and you don’t know the answer, point them towards the wiki! It’s full of fun facts!

- Telamon

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February 10th 2008

Winning Builderman’s Place Designs

The following 10 places are currently being built by secret teams of pro-builders. They will be installed on Builderman’s place by Sunday February 24. Keep an eye on Builderman’s places… who knows what will pop up!

These designers have received fame and fabulous prizes!


Try to take out your enemy’s side. There are 4 buttons in each tower. once all buttons are one teams color, the wires break on the bridge and on the other teams base. The team wins! Not very hard to script either =D

Be amazed by this Mars base! Large city is connected by 2 smaller towns. I bet the players will have fun! Enjoy!

My place is supposed to be a castle, the two cylinders near the entrance of the castle are supposed to be statues, and there is also a statue at the center of the courtyard. Maybe a gate could be added to the entrance of the castle. — There are also many stairways inside the castles and windows on the insides of the castle. Maybe some weapons could be added to make the place a bit more fun.

King of the Hill! One lucky player is the king… but that one person cannot spend all day relaxing. They must fight off the other Robloxian who want the throne for themselves. The King can either send a boulder down the hill or engage in a swordfight himself (herself). The peasants must climb the rocky slope and fight their way to royalty! (Every player gets a sword, and the King also gets a tool that drops a boulder. The one who successfully kills the King becomes the new King, and all players are reset to the spawnplates. The first King is randomly chosen.)

Koopa   This would be the new and improved ROBLOX building. Much more… uh… cooler. This time instead of a bland square building it is very… odd shaped building. It obviously looks much more futuristic. The red circle orbiting the building is just for show. It makes the place look cooler and is now part of the man made wonders of the world…

Rocks25   Six islands floating above the water each one with a different theme: ice, water, lava, tropical, desert and one with caves. the one big island in the middle that is in the water is a mechanical themed island. Images were all made in bryce 5.5

SaladDog Well make sure to make the cannons destroyable, mobile, and can fire. It’s up to Buildy wether to make the castle destroyable. I don’t care either way. And anchor all the stuff like the walls and trees. And make it a CTF, with the flag inside the castle, and the only way in the castles is through the ladders.

Stickmasterluke   Three trees in a forest with connecting branches. There are dwellings in the trees.

Twila27   -One pagoda (Japanese towers) on each side of the map. These have 3 levels, the second has a window to shoot from, and the top level holds the team flag.
-Two towers on each side of the map, on both sides connected by a gangplank. These have 4 flights of stairs to reach the top where the gangplank holds multiple holes for sniping and the like.
-Two bridges in the center of the map, they allow for more than one way of passage over to the enemy team’s base.
-A river flowing underneath the bridges, I could not get this into Google Sketchup 6, but it’s there. >_> People can walk through it, but it is very deep.

Weaselman50 Some type of building in the shape of a Roblox character that is colored to builder man’s appearance. It should have many rooms somewhat like a hotel with extreme detail. each window should be 1 room to scale. The whole area should have many secrets that will simply take you to random unknown places. Lastly the bottom leg sections should be the main entrances.


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February 8th 2008

Working Together for a Stronger Robloxia


Today’s update fixes a ton of crashes that some of our users have been experiencing. Thanks to everyone who messaged Builderman, sent in crash reports, or emailed us directly. We’ll continue to stomp bugs until there are none left to report.

- Telamon

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February 5th 2008

The Future of Open Source

On his blog Shaun Connolly ponders “Is ROBLOX the future of open source?”

Since I’m partial to brazen statements, I’m just going to go ahead and claim that it is.

I’ll lay out my evidence for this assertion in bullet points and then we’ll discuss whether you have just been presented with an impregnable fortress of crystalline logic or a house of cards.

1. Multiple Levels of Engagement

The ROBLOX experience is defined by multiple levels of user engagement.

We have a pyramid diagram in our conference room that outlines the level of engagement we expect populations of users to have with our product. Since we are all engineers, it looks slightly less professional than this:

The basic idea is that anyone can get in ROBLOX and start playing the game, consuming content and effecting a small amount of customization of the environment. More advanced users take on the role of content creators. Intermediate users of ROBLOX might open up their default starting place, change the colors of their house around and add some furniture. More advanced users will create their own games utilizing both existing and original content. The power users, the top 1 in every 1000 players, will create scripts and levels to showcase entirely new game types and concepts. This is where you get levels like Bloxopoly, that are completely unlike anything that has come before it.

This scheme really shines once you have enough players so that the top .1% is still a sizeable group of people; and they are constantly churning out new goodies for everybody.

The parallels to the open source community are obvious. At the bottom of the pyramid you have the people grabbing just the binaries are using them as intended. In the middle you have the people developing mashups and plugins. At the top you have the Linus Tovaldss of the world.

As you walk up the pyramid complexity increases, as does user power. There is a focus on the bottom level being drop-dead simple and the top level affording maximum flexibility. Open source should constantly strive towards this paragon.

2. Massive Peer to Peer Collaboration

ROBLOX is driven by community content. Better content is more difficult and time consuming to produce. There is intrinsic pressure in the system towards collaboration.

This actually works better in ROBLOX than in the real world. Integrating disparate software systems is not a fun job, and while having the source code may make an integration problem tractable, “enjoyable” is not ever an adjective that is applicable to the task. Anyone who says otherwise is a masochist.

The core interchangeable component in the ROBLOX world is the model. Users can publish models directly from ROBLOX Studio to the ROBLOX website. A model without active code is trivial to insert and re-purpose when you are constructing a place.

Let’s say I’m building a medieval castle level. As a typical user, this is my process:

  1. Start with an empty baseplate.
  2. Open the Insert menu.
  3. Search for “castle”.
  4. We get about a 1000 results. Pick two that look good.
  5. Click on them.
  6. Position them in the world.
  7. Search for “tree”
  8. Grab several kinds.
  9. Pepper our landscape with foilage.
  10. Publish.

We’ve got a working castle battle level. It took about 90 seconds to make.

To improve our level, we could insert some scripted content, like catapults that fire when your character pushes a lever. I happen to know SonOfSevenless has a good one. Click. Click. Now I have two in my map. Now we might decide players should be wizards in our level - we need some magic powers. I search the insert menu for user-created magical weapons. In short order, I find a script that lets users throw fireballs, fly, and teleport. As a finishing touch, I grab another piece of code that slowly changes the time in my map so that the sky progresses from day to night. Classy.

Most of the time, inserting scripts and scripted models like this will just work because they are entirely self-contained unless someone goes out of their way to write a component that is not. Poorly authored components are not reused by other players and are culled from the general resource pool in this way.

3. Economic Incentives

ROBLOX has intentionally structured our economic incentives to encourage the production of high-quality content. In a nutshell, each user is awarded 1 ticket everytime a player visits their place. Innovation and quality are rewarded. Garbage is cast aside.

There are signs that as the open source movement continues to develop the marketplace will become more efficient than it currently is. It will be more like ours.

4. Exposure to Engineering

Assumption: children are the future.

Assertion: children play ROBLOX.

Conclusion: ROBLOX is related to the future.

I learned to program when I was 7. I started with LOGOWriter and QBASIC. What did I make? Games. It should be obvious. All kids want to write games. If your kid wants to write insurance software at age 7, you should stop wandering around aimlessly on the internet and find a good psychiatrist. Do it. Do it now.

At its heart, ROBLOX is a game development platform. You can do a lot with it without writing a line of code. But if you really get into it, you’re going to want more power. You’re going to be very motivated to figure out how to program.

There’s been a lot of research about how to best teach kids to program, and it all boils down to learning by example. The collaborative nature of ROBLOX makes it easy to find existing scripts that can be used as learning material or repurposed with only minor edits.

This is good stuff.

I don’t care what fancy private school you send your kids to. The only place your 13 year old is going to encounter a PID-Controller is in ROBLOX’s Body(Position/Velocity/Thrust) objects, which can be used to script motion for parts and models. That’s just one example.


With points 1, 2, and 3 I have demonstrated how the creative process, community participation and incentive structure in ROBLOX is similar to that of the open source movement. With point 4, I have shown that ROBLOX influences the future by virtue of its engaging the youth of today.

Ultimately, though, I have to retract my brazen claim.

I have failed to demonstrate the ROBLOX is the future of open source (it was a ridiculous claim, I admit). But, it is a future that I’m sure many of us would like to see.

- John Shedletsky (aka Telamon)

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February 4th 2008

The ROBLOX Review - Issue 2

ROBLOXreview-2Issue number 2 is ready and available! It’s great the players have been inspired to make such a cool magazine. You should check it out!

This issue is broken into 2 parts for easier loading.

Part 1

Part 2

You may have to get Adobe Reader to view the magazine.

The magazine was created by PCwiener with help from many users who are named in the parts of the magazine.

Please take the survey after you read the magazine, to help them make it even better.

We can’t wait for the next issue!


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